Airband Standard Horizon
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HF/50MHz Linear Amplifier

For a bold, clean signal from "Top Band" through the "Magic Band," the VL-1000/VP-1000 QUADRA SYSTEM belongs in your station! Innovative Ouadra Push-Pull RF Design for 1 kW of MOSFET Power! Yaesu's engineers have conquered the challenging task of providing high power output from 160 through 6 meters!* Yaesu's exclusive Quadra Push-Pull design utilizes 8 rugged MRF-150 MOS FETs for years of reliable operation. Special attention to system grounding and RF bypassing ensures very low spurious emissions, even at maximum power output.

Ultra-Conservative Design
The VL-1000 is crafted with reliability as the #1 objective. Extensive monitoring of heat, current, input drive, and other parameters allows the microprocessor to control the protection circuitry with lightning-fast response time. And the extensive heat sink design provides a huge margin of safety for the cooling of the PA and other components.
Quad Push-Pull Design
Utilizing eight rugged MRF-150 MOS FET power transistors in a four-module push-pull configuration, the Yaesu design team has conquered the difficult challenge of providing high power output along with low spurious emission, along with high reliability.
Automatic Band Change
When operating with most modern Yaesu transceivers, band data information is transferred between the transceiver and the VL-1000, allowing automatic band change on the amplifier when you change bands on the transcevier.

The VL-1000 also provides automatic band changing via a frequency-sensing circuit, when used with other exciters; just a press of the "F-SET" key is required to detect the frequency and switch bands.
Two Input and Four Output Jacks
Ensuring easy integration into your multi-rig Yaesu station, the VL-1000 includes two input jacks, along with four output (antenna) jacks. The microprocessor automatically selects the correct combination of connectors, according to your original setup, so you never have to be throwing switches when you change bands!
Automatic Antenna Tuner
The built-in Automatic Antenna Tuner is designed to smooth out minor impedance variations in your antenna system, ensuring full power output without placing the amplifier circuitry in danger due to excessive RF voltage.

And unlike some solid state amplifiers, if you forget to turn the auto-tuner on but the amplifier encounters an SWR somewhat over 2:1, the VL-1000 doesn't turn itself off! Instead, it switches to low power (500 W) first, to let you try to make the contact. further power reduction will occur, of course, if a serious SWR anomaly exists.

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