Airband Standard Horizon
System Fusion
Standard Horizon Marine Products Yaesu Amateur Products Yaesu Airband Tranceivers
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"The Best of the Best"

Designed with no spared effort or expense for optimum performance and operability, the FT-1000D is the fruit of over 25,000 man-hours of intensive research and development by Yaesu’s top design engineers. Instead of merely offering incremental improvements on existing designs or adding bells and whistles to an old model, the FT-1000D project involves a wholly new approach to the application of the latest digital and RF technologies to today’s most demanding needs on the HF bands. Extensive surface-mount component technology allowed six microprocessors and five Direct Digital Synthesizers to be harmoniously integrated with a simple operator interface into a highly reliable full-featured transceiver optimized for serious HF applications.

Industry-Leading Receiver Performance
Deemed "best ever" by a leading magazine, the performance of the FT-1000D's receiver is without peer in the Amateur industry. Fourteen 5-pole RF filters provide initial selectivity, and the input filters are followed by a (defeatable) dual cascode JFET RF amplifier and high-level double-balanced JFET mixer. The result is wider dynamic range than in any other Amateur rig available!
Cascaded 8-pole Crystal filters
The robust filtering system in the FT-1000D IF featurtes 8-pole crystals in the 2nd IF of 2.4 kHz, 2.0 kHz, 500 Hz, and 250Hz, cascaded with 2.4 kHz, 2.0 kHz, and 500 Hz filters in the 3rd IF (the 250 Hz cascading filter in the 3rd IF is available as an option). The Sub receiver, used for Dual Receive operation, includes a 2.4 kHz filter as standard, with a 600 Hz CW filter available as an option.

The IF Shift and Variable Bandwidth controls allow almost limitless cotrol over the center frequency of the passband, as well as the net bandwidth after shifting the passbands of the two filters relative to each other.

When the bands are really crowded, there is no substitute for high-quality crystal filters, and the FT-1000D is loaded!
200 Watts Power Output
The FT-1000D gives you continuously-adjustable power output of up to 200 Watts (AM: 50 Watts), for that extra edge needed in pile-ups, or to drive your linear to the full legal limit. A 10-inch "squirrel cage" blower keeps the amplifier components comfortably cool, even during heavy duty cycle operations like contests.
True Dual Receive Operation
True Dual Receive operation is provided by the two independent receiver sections of the FT-1000D. During Dual Receive, the "RX Mix" knob acts as a "balance" control between the main and sub receivers, allowing you to adjust the relative volume levels of the two receivers.

Connect a second antenna to the sub-receivers input jack, and you'll be able to listen on two different bands without any frequency restrictions whatsoever! So you can listen to a DX pile-up on 15 meters while simultaneously downloading a WeatherFax picture on 8.6 MHz!
High-Speed Automatic Antenna Tuner
The built-in Auto-Tuner matches loads of up to 3:1 SWR in seconds, and it includes 39 memories for tuner data. So when you return to a previously-used frequency, your tuner will have you ready to transmit instantly!

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